Work: half a million fewer seats worrying data on unemployment and GDP in Italy. From the first quarter 2008 to third quarter 2010 - highlights Confindustria - the number of employed decreased by 540mila (not counting the hours that have an impact equal to Cig 480mila units).
Furthermore, "The number of employed persons continue to decline in 2011. "filed down their estimates of GDP: the growth will stop at +1% in 2010 (revised from +1.2%) and to +1.1% in 2011 (from +1.3%).
The massive use of the IGC during the recession, according to the report of Confindustria, has greatly lessened the impact of the crisis on the number of workers: the first quarter of 2008 to the latter third of 2010 decreased by 540mila units, compared a reduction of ula (unit of work full-time equivalents) and 221mila 1 million units, of which 480mila absorbed by the IGC at its peak in the second quarter of 2010.
was therefore all the more consistent use of the IGC (particularly high in some industrial sectors), the slower the recovery of employment. The reduction in delays cassintegrati fact the creation of jobs. Their failure leads to unemployment, reintegration, and the risk of this happening is higher in the case of CIGS and cash notwithstanding (especially if prolonged routine and extraordinary maintenance) that have risen in importance and are weighed to arrive at 77.6% additions in the second half of 2010 from 28.5% in the first half of 2009.
"Tools" Insufficient
With the crisis''was brutal economic contraction: -6.8% GDP by up to a minimum, lost 35 quarters.'' The Center emphasizes the study of Confindustria, stressing that''the proves to be indecisive and slow recovery: +1.5% so far.'' So, say the economists way of Astronomy,''will not revert to the values \u200b\u200bprerecessivi in \u200b\u200bthe spring of 2015. For riagguantare by the end of 2020 the level of the trend, however modest, occurred between 2000 and 2007, Italy should proceed from now on at least 2% a year.'' A goal to reach a''reasonable time, as the lesson teaches German in 2012 under the same government documents.'' But''to seize the instruments put in place are insufficient. Increases reflect reforms missing or incomplete or inadequate compared to what has been achieved by partners, competitors such as Germany.''
stable inflation, consumption will grow slightly
The dynamics of consumer prices in Italy is "stable", to low values \u200b\u200bwhile consumption will grow slightly. And 'what the report says economic scenarios of the Centro Studi Confindustria. The rise in consumer prices will remain content to below 2% in the next two years. For the CSC in 2011 inflation will be slightly higher than current levels of 1.9% in December, an average of 1.8% (1.9% in Euroland). It will stabilize at 1, 9% in 2012 (the same pace of the area). Tensions arise over the lists of goods that are high in energy and food commodities, whose prices have been rising sharply. In general, the courses Commodities are business records, and pressure on the margins. Consumption, however, will grow little, albeit gradual acceleration after +0.7% in 2010 (-1.8% in 2009), scoring in 2011 and +0.9% +1.2% in 2012; progress is greater than income.
must increase the focus on ICT
''For the major economies of the advanced ICT (Information and Communcation Technology) are the mid-'90s, the main driver of growth driven by innovation.'' The Center emphasizes the study of Confindustria devoted to the theme of technological innovation, the economic relationship''scenarios''in December. For economists Street''Astronomy in Italy this engine has so far been used less for reasons of supply and demand.'' E''greater use of ICT in 1997-2007 would have led to an Italian GDP higher by 7.1%.'' Estimates of Confindustria, the next five years''if the intensity of ICT capital was brought to the values \u200b\u200bof the United Kingdom, this would add 0.8% to annual growth of GDP, almost doubling it.'' But''for doing so is a joint effort of the user firms (often small) and manufacturers, universities and government intervention "