Monday, June 29, 2009

How Many Bars Oasis Of The Seas

A market that attracts investors

the forex market A that attracts investors

The spot FOREX market is constantly expanding. Even independent investors access it more and more frequently, attracted by the returns in the short term.

Interest in the FOREX market born of practical factors that motivate the growing success

Liquidity is the core interest of ' investor because it implies the freedom to open or close a position , simply based on your choice. In addition, the market can absorb volumes of transactions in order to minimize the ability of any other type of market . Accessibility

Another key feature of the FOREX market is accessibility: it is a market open 24 hours on 24, which allows you to respond to negative events with immediate negotiations.

Flexibility The position is open or closed, and the discretion of ' investor, according to its convenience and the time you prefer.

Operating Costs The implementation of operations on FOREX market is not burdened by operating costs, commissions derived from the differential bid-ask (ASK / BID spread). That's why the rapid growth of the market .

Trend identifiable During its historical development, the FOREX market developed identifiable trends: a feature that allows investors to develop strategic models designed to take the appropriate decisions in any situation.

pull factors of the Forex market

In recent years there has been an exponential increase of the participation of investors of all types and from all countries in the currency markets .

Why? We offer a brief explanation of the 8 Reasons for the keen interest of investors to the FOREX market :

1. The market with greater liquidity in the world

The FOREX market is able to develop a volume of transactions simply unthinkable in any other financial market . In other markets like or futures exchange, the low liquidity of some shares or commodities requires investors to close positions selling at a price often far from the desired one. The unparalleled liquidity

FOREX market is a powerful reminder to all investors: it allows you to open or close a position with total freedom, at the discretion of the trader, in three seconds and the price selected with one click.

addition, the liquidity of the FOREX Market offers investors can withdraw their funds from the account of investment more easily than in other markets and so much quicker.

2. Market transparent.

The volume of trading multibillion developed every day in currency markets makes it virtually impossible manipulation market.

3. market for trading non-stop.

A particularly attractive feature of FOREX market is its ability to operate 24 hours on 24 ... There are opening and closing and investors can operate non-stop 24 hours a day, 5 days a week.

4. Market without deadlines enforced. The

investors operating in the other markets financial are the need to respect deadlines. In the FOREX market , instead, a position can be closed when the 'investor it considers appropriate.

5. Market no operating costs.

Historically, the FOREX market not apply to fees for services rendered, except for a difference between the purchase price and sale (spread). ACM goes further: not only does not charge any commission, but offers its customers a very low spread: only 3 pip bid / ask spread.

6. Market with identifiable trends.

The historical evolution of currencies tended essential identifiable. The trends for historically defined for each currency help you develop strategies to maximize return on capital .

7. Market double direction.

Unlike other financial markets the FOREX market is a double direction. Offers, that is, profit opportunities for both reversers being bullish bearish.

8. Market leveraged.

Lever financial provides access to the FOREX market with a hundredth part of the investment made. In other words, with a modest investment you can handle a much greater capital.

This feature allows you to buy or sell a currency each other in the many funds available. Our clients are able to maintain a position of 100,000 currency units with a deposit of only 1,000 units (the margin).

The currencies generate benefits both in bull markets in both bearish markets. Unlike the stock market , the Forex market is not subject to cycles of growth and falling prices (the famous stages Bull and Bear).

There are no restrictions on selling short-term, so it is always possible to obtain profits, regardless of the direction toward which he directs market.

water levels are higher - the market operates 24 hours on 24. The exchange market is the largest financial market in terms both its size and liquidity, with a daily volume of transactions of $ 1.5 trillion (1.5 "trilions" according to the definition of "trillion" as "one million million" adopted in the U.S.).

Opera nonstop 24 hours a day, opening on Sunday evening at 17:00 (Eastern Time) in Australia and Singapore, by extension, to reach Europe to Japan and 2:03 am respectively. The market closes Friday at 16:00. The stock market , however, is active only between 9:30 and 16:00, a feature which restricts access of investors the ability to generate profits.

Financial Leverage The 100:1 leverage (or leverage ratio of debt) is the index which measures the proportion of the capital outside and just under a investment.

Thus, a leverage of 2:1 (typical of the stock market ) allows investors exposure corresponding to twice the amount invested . FX International Group provides, through its trading platforms, a 100:1 leverage, which in some cases, can reach 400:1, so for every $ 1,000 the ' investor access to a purchasing power of $ 100,000.

positions with a high level of financial leverage might lead to total loss of capital invested, but the leverage is at the same time, a powerful tool for growth of capital , so it must be managed with sufficient capacity.

Lever financial is an essential feature of the Forex market , in fact the major currencies fluctuated daily average of less than 1%.

Transactions with no commission. The currency market combines bid / ask spread with very small transactions without commission: is then the market more accessible to any investor .

What is Forex ?

The FOREX market is the largest of the financial world. When it was created in 1977, the volume of 'business daily is around 5 billion U.S. dollars. Currently are around $ 1.5 trillion daily.

The set of all the volumes traded in all markets stock of the world is only a small part of the volume of trading in the FOREX Market .
The impressive performance prospects generated by this push Market everyday new investors to operate in FOREX .

growth FOREX took a dizzying pace, reaching a level of unmatched transactions daily.

And there is no indication that preannuncino reversed. On the contrary, in the next ten years, the weather pinned to an increase of almost 300% of the level of daily transactions on FOREX , with an estimated increase of 25% of the annual volume traded each day in currency markets for the coming years.

The huge liquidity and the ability to operate continuously 24 hours 24 makes the FOREX market the best in the world.
mode quote currency
The currencies are quoted in pairs.

The first currency shown is the Base Rate, while the second is called Against currency or currency of Quote , whose value is calculated according to Currency Base. In wholesale market, the currencies are quoted by using five significant digits, the last of which is referred to as "pips" or point.

Gross Margin in Forex not meet the definition of the term usually adopted in the market stock is not then the deposit on the purchase of shares . It is, however, a performance bond or deposit, to cover any losses arising from trading .

The margin requirement allows traders to hold a position of market much larger than the value of the account.

therefore allows the inverters to avoid the risk of negative balance, even in a scenario market highly volatile and fast moving.

Unlike traditional financial markets, which bring together buyers and sellers under one "roof" (the " trading floor") and transactions of the FOREX Market not occur in a centralized location and the operator is free to choose the medium they prefer: internet, investment platforms , computer terminals or telephone.

Until yesterday the FOREX market was the exclusive preserve of large banks and most important financial institutions . It was practically impossible for an investor operate on the private market , which required a huge capital background.

Today, a investor who wants to get a good return from a capital of only $ 5,000, can be accessed quickly and easily to this huge market .

With leverage, the investors can trade amounts of $ 100,000, with only $ 1,200 of capital own.

All that an operator should know. The currency market is one of speculative markets more widely, because of its enormous size, liquidity and the huge trend of currencies to move with trend particularly marked .

also presents a very attractive: the high incidence of leverage. True Markets Services platform allows a leverage equal to 100:1. In the absence of adequate risk management, enhanced the presence of leverage can lead to sudden swings between gains and losses.

Even trader more experts may sustain losses, therefore, the operations of market foreign currency should be handled with funds venture capital, which, if lost, would affect the financial well-being client personnel. FAQ Money Forex Forex Financial.

What is Currency Exchange?

The Currency Market, also known as FOREX is the financial market world's largest, with an average turnover of about $ 1.3 billion per day. The Forex is the exchange of simultaneous currency of one country to another country. The currencies around the world are listed fluctuating exchange rates and betrayed in pairs, for example EURO / USD or USD / CHF.

Those who work on FX Market?

The Forex market is defined as a market "Interbank", it has historically been dominated by banking entities such central banks, banks commercial and investment banks of .

However, the percentage of participation of different types of players is constantly growing and today Forex market welcomes large multinational corporations, financial managers global operators international stock exchange, futures and options investors and speculators private.

What is the margin?

The margin is a necessary condition to gain a position Forex . Allows investors using the leverage to take positions, committed, therefore, only part of the necessary liquidity to finance operation. In

Forex market fluctuates between 1 and 2%, provides, therefore, essential to leverage the reversers to work actively, while the market values \u200b\u200bprovides a leverage of only 50% (twice the power acquisition). In

What are the fees and charges levied by Money Forex ?

Unlike many other operators Forex, Forex Money does not charge any commission for trading forex orders. We

thrusters market and our benefits are derived from the bid / ask spreads on currency betrayed, typically 3 to 5 points. Then there is a small cost incurred in the maintenance of overnight positions.

What does take a

"Long" or "Short"?

A long position or long position involves buying one currency with the expectation of being able to sell later at a higher price: the 'investor enjoys a market bullish.

A short position or short position, by contrast, is characterized by the sale of 'investor a currency depreciation which provides:' s investor will benefit from a bear market. Both positions carry a degree of risk equivalent.

How to manage the risk?

tools for managing the most common risk in FX transactions are the order of limit and stop loss order. A limit order sets a limit on the maximum purchase price or minimum selling price.

A stop loss order ensures the automatic closing of a firm position at a predetermined price in order to limit losses if the market moves in a direction other than that provided by ' investor.

The liquidity of the Forex market enables you to limit order and stop order with ease.

What is a Limit Order?

A limit order is an order with restrictions on the maximum price to be paid or the minimum price to get. For example, if the current price of USD / YEN is 112.00 / 05, the limit buy USD would be set at a price lower than 112.05 (eg. 111.50).

What is a Stop Loss order?

is a type of order in which an open position is automatically liquidated at a specific price. For example, if an investor is active in a long position in USD / JPY at 112.35, you might opt \u200b\u200bfor a stop loss order at 111.75, which would limit losses if the dollar falls below 111.75 threshold.

What is an Order of position?

orders position is directly related to positions individual. They are active until the position remains open and can be of two types: stop-loss order or limit order.

What is the margin?

The margin is essentially a condition of the positions. allows investors to take positions using the leverage effect, committed, therefore, only part of the necessary liquidity to finance operation. In

equity markets, usually the margin allowed is 50%, ie that the investor can rely on the ability to double its purchase. In Forex market, leverage varies between 1 and 2%, bringing the reversers to leverage essential to work actively.

What is a type of "Long" or "Short" position?

A long position or long position involves buying one currency with the expectation of being able to sell later at a higher price. In this scenario, the 'investor benefits a bullish market.

short position or short position, by contrast, is characterized by the sale of 'investor a which includes currency devaluation. In this scenario, the ' investor benefits from a bearish market.

However, it is important to remember that every FX position requires an 'investor maintain a long position in one currency and short on another.

do Forex Trading

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