Monday, September 8, 2008

Prostata Powert Point


True first day.
Wake up at 6, like those mornings where it has something important happen. Lunch (the deli in Brooklyn cost less than those in Manhattan) and in order to drink coffee on the subway. The subway in the morning is like a funnel: the people there to slip and disappear into a vortex.

's arrival at school is cushioned by almost half an hour in advance. 35 minutes at peak times, including sandwich and coffee prepared on the fly giusmilchnosciugar.
We have divided into three classes, without a well-defined logic. That is, at random. I am in producer A. With me are the Congolese H, Alison Chinese-English, English, Jaime and Maria (engaged, and soft), Italian Andrea, Dane Tobias, Ukraine, Asia and Americans Seth, Justin, Boh, Nonso, Nonmiricordo and, over the mythical Michelle, busty blonde in Los Angeles who worked in "production" of adult enterteinment. True or not true Michelle is 35 years old and in my opinion, a bright actress from the past, but maybe they are malicious.
The first lesson is by Isen Robbins, who tells us of the producer's Craft. Basically a little 'tricks craft, a bit 'trading a bit' of facciadiculismo, a little 'business plan.
The first and only task we have is to learn how to use contact and prepare the cards.
During each lesson tells of his experience and because he wants to become a producer, strengths and weaknesses.
So the morning has passed, what's your name, because if you are interested in filmmaking not you went to LA, what do you expect from this job etc etc. He likes to chat
Isen, so instead of ending the lesson is over at 12 to 12 55 by shooting the entire lunch break.
While my fellow writhing gut for hunger, I pulled out the fresh sandwich bag. At a reset of it.
Screenwriting by Kate Kirtz, this morning at 6:30 he finished shooting his latest work. Arrives out of breath, eat bananas and drink Coke while explaining, and practically started all over again chisseicosafaieperchè's speech. But that's okay, do not come out twice after all the same things and we get to know us better.
So I realize that we have accumulated work experience are very diverse and come from various fields and genres. From sitcom to porn, from sports to splatter, through all stages of pre, production and postproduction.
fertile ground.
The screenwriting class is based on the principles of classical narrative: hero, antihero, objective, obstacles, and interweaving plot, etc Spannung.
When he arrives there's also Brad Sample times until November 18. Months will be very full: lesson every day from 6 to 8 hours of lessons, each lesson lasts 2 to 4 hours. Brad Sample
moves around her purse superselection DVD because it is the time to talk about directing.
Extra Wide, medium, close up, positioning of the machine, camera movement etc.
We shot footage of godfather, goodfellas, american beauty, fargo, and the apartment is a film that 50 years I think.
We left all his brain fried, but happy. I have also given a belllllisssssima bag that I broke watching her, a sweatshirt that has the same size for me and for me is like cinoinglese and coat the dog to her as a boxer's robe.
The classroom is small, the chairs uncomfortable and the air conditioning even though it spoils quickly, at the end of the day is tiring, but we were all happy when we left at 7.
House, pasta, conference with Vera, Robbabbob Gomi and tasks and then sleep. First, the post.


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