are distributed along the way many places in which to sleep. Normally you use albergue, not to be translated into Italian with the word "hotel" but rather "hostel" or "refuge." They are also called refugios, hospitales. At the reception center St.Jean Pied de Port it is a list fairly up to date.
Albergue is of variable size, from ten to a hundred places, usually in bunk beds. The bed comes with mattress, pillow often but not always, almost never sheets (ie compulsory sleeping bag or sack / sheet). They are the toilets and showers: the water should be warm, but sometimes it depends on how many pilgrims have had a shower before us and how much water they used. It is a place for washing and drying facilities, a club room with kitchen and a refectory.
Some are always open, but the opening is often in the afternoon. It was greeted by a hospitalero who affixes the sello (stamp) on Credencial (see below), transcribes the generality of the pilgrim on dell'albergue registers and assigns the bed or at least indicate the rules for 'use of' albergue. Generally the reception procedures are rapid, in some cases the reception is taken care of: I've done over an hour in a row before entering. In some albergue the pilgrim becomes a member of a community and is involved in activities and its rituals: for people who love are the most intense experiences of the journey.
Managing albergue is usually borne by volunteers may be the pastor, monks or nuns of the convents, volunteers belonging to fraternities or associations of English support for the journey, in some cases are foreigners (British and Rabanal to Ponferrada, in the Netherlands Hospital de Orbigo, Italian Jacobea of \u200b\u200bthe Brotherhood of Perugia Puente Fitero).
Except in special cases the accommodation is allowed for only one night.
In albergue managed by the Associations and in those municipalities is usually given to the hospitality to pilgrims marching on foot than by bike
The albergues can be classified into two basic categories:
E ' improper to call them "public" but I refer to facilities operated to provide warmth, not crfeare income. This category includes the albergues:
- municipal
- headed by religious organizations (monasteries, parishes)
- owned or operated by the Association of Friends of the way, English or foreign
in recent years have greatly reduced the structures of absolutely free or for which the request is a simple free offer.
The few remaining ones are free to offer.
rates generally ranging between 4 and 10 €
Quest 'last category is clearly espansone in recent years and is constantly monitoring the fast-growing demand for beds from the pilgrims. These structures are often family-run, managed to provide a second income, to the princoipale activities.
scillato rates between 7 and 12 €. Often they are available, on payment of an additional duty, high-level services: single or double rooms, linen. Often you can dine and take consolation, at prices usually moderate. The level of service is sometimes but not always, better than the facilities 'public'. In this type of structures are usually receives a good reception and calls, not to be expected but the warmth and care with many of strtture "public", which operate nelll volunteers passionate way.
You can find lodging, asking countries, including in:
private homes - are home to some families in their pilgrims in a private home: the rates are even higher
hostel - hotels are real, but at a modest price
I have prepared a list of albergue of the road: I'm trying to constantly update the information through to the contribution of other pilgrims and some websites that I considered sufficiently reliable. Of course we do not guarantee complete accuracy of the data: the situation of albergue presents seasonal variations and is constantly evolving.
Click here to get the 'list of albergue:
The following are some of my personal opinions and advice: no one is offended.
albergue The tourist facilities are not born for commercial purposes. Step inside the pilgrim becomes a "guest", not "customer." It follows that we must behave Consequential
- use the verb "require" rather than "pretend"
- respect the structures offers, and if possible, leave them in better condition than you found
- do not leave traces of their passage
- if someone before we left dirt and disorder is nice clean and tidy, do not weigh anyone
- always leave a donation may be small if you do not have much money
- we respect the times indicated, which are linked to the rest to ensure all
- if you expect to get up very early preparing the backpack the night before and wake up, get ready in an environment where you do not give trouble to those who still sleeps
- always warmly welcome those who come after us, as we would like to be treated ourselves
- to clean their bodies and their clothing, out of respect for oneself and those around us
- avoid spreading their things take up more space than is necessary
- if you see behavior that we missed out let's do it politely and keep blowing it into the grumbling is not good at none
- the 'hot pleases everyone and then when we try not to waste it and leave the other
- if you have important information in the news bulletin of the Diamond' albergue
and finally ....
- many hotels do not provide much privacy: we often find ourselves in terms of promiscuity, then behave with discretion, avoiding looking at others with insistence and perform unnecessary.
In almost all albergue c 'and cooking something to eat some breakfast is served in return for an offer.
In all countries within the local albergue there to dine with those of the pilgrim or menu del dia: they are fixed price menu. I found prices ranging from 6 to € 10 and include: first, second, bread, bottle of wine or soft drink, dessert or fruit. The quantity and quality are generally good.
The food here is quite similar to the Italian. Some first example: spaghetti with tomato sauce, paella, soup beans, green beans sauteed with bacon, vegetable soup, green salad with tomatoes and tuna or cheese. Among the main courses: roast chicken, sliced \u200b\u200bpork or beef grilled, stuffed peppers, baked trout, grilled salmon, meat stew. Potatoes, green beans, salad. Desserts of yoghurt, ice cream, rice milk, pudding, fruit. Excellent wine from anything carbonated water. Pilgrims
they travel very early (5 to 7). At that hour is almost impossible to find a bar open for breakfast: it is difficult even in large cities. The bars open late (9-10), grocery stores as well. So it's a good idea to equip and prepare breakfast in the kitchen dell'albergue, or intend to do often put in a late morning breakfast.
For the noon meal usually provides a sandwich and fruit purchased and consumed along the way (very inexpensive). All the bars are still equipped to serve something to eat.
Each country has at least one fountain: the water is generally good and very fresh, except in some parts of the central part (mesetas)
A doctor friend of mine and an expert in sports medicine I gave the following advice, which I follow (somewhat) faithfully:
breakfast: carbohydrates and sugar with very little sucrose and fructose - milk and coffee with biscuits, even better with biscuits, jam, honey, fruit may
middle of the day: carbohydrates (bread, crackers, toast) and fruit (no sugar or chocolate)
at night: mostly protein - red or white meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, bread, wine, fruit
drink a lot, even before so thirsty and have to sweat, especially with high environmental temperatures in case of excessive sweating eat plenty of fruits and / or take salt supplements
And finally we talk about money. What is needed for maintenance during the journey. Let's do some 'accounts.
A) Travel - Travel costs are difficult to evaluate because they are too dependent on the chosen means (car, train, plane)
B) eat - assuming that you do breakfast bar in the morning, the evening dine at the restaurants and trim day you eat something bought on the street, you can make this assumption of costs:
Along the way, are distributed in many places which to sleep. Normally you use albergue, not to be translated into Italian with the word "hotel" but rather "hostel" or "refuge." They are also called refugios, hospitales. At the reception center St.Jean Pied de Port it is a list fairly up to date.
Albergue is of variable size, from ten to a hundred places, usually in bunk beds. The bed is supplied mattress, pillow often but not always, almost never sheets (and therefore required a sleeping bag or sack / sheet). They are the toilets and showers: the water should be warm, but sometimes it depends on how many pilgrims have had a shower before us and how much water they used. It is a place for washing and drying facilities, a club room with kitchen and a refectory.
Some are always open, but the opening is often in the afternoon. It was greeted by a hospitalero who affixes the sello (stamp) on Credencial (see below), transcribes the generality of the pilgrim on dell'albergue registers and assigns the bed or at least indicate the rules for 'use of' albergue. Generally the reception procedures are rapid, in some cases the host is edited: I've done over an hour in a row before entering. In some albergue the pilgrim becomes a member of a community and is involved in activities and its rituals: for people who love are the most intense experiences of the journey.
Managing albergue is usually borne by volunteers may be the pastor, monks or nuns of the convents, volunteers belonging to fraternities or associations of English support for the journey, in some cases are foreigners (British and Rabanal to Ponferrada, in the Netherlands Hospital de Orbigo, Italian Jacobea of \u200b\u200bthe Brotherhood of Perugia Puente Fitero). Except in cases
exceptional accommodation is allowed for only one night. In
albergue managed by the Associations and in those municipalities is usually given to the hospitality to pilgrims marching on foot than by bike
The albergues can be classified into two basic categories:
'inappropriate to call them "public" but I refer to facilities operated to provide hospitality, not crfeare income. This category includes the albergues:
- municipal
- headed by religious organizations (monasteries, parishes)
- owned or operated by the Association of Friends of the way, English or foreign
In recent years have greatly reduced the facilities absolutely free or for which the request is a simple free offer.
The few remaining ones are free to offer.
rates generally ranging between 4 and 10 €
Quest 'last category is clearly espansone in recent years and is constantly monitoring the fast-growing demand for beds from the pilgrims. These structures are often family-run, managed to provide a second income, to the princoipale activities.
scillato rates between 7 and 12 €. Often they are available, on payment of an additional duty, high-level services: single or double rooms, bed linens, etc.. Often you can dine and take consolation, at prices usually moderate. The level of service is sometimes but not always, better than the facilities 'public'. In this type of structures are usually receives a good reception and calls, not to be expected but the warmth and care with many of strtture "public", which operate nelll volunteers passionate way.
You can find lodging, asking countries, including in:
private homes - are home to some families in their pilgrims in a private home: the rates are even higher
hostel - hotels are real, but at a modest price
I have prepared a list of albergue of the way: I'm trying to update the information continuously thanks to the contribution of other pilgrims and some websites that I considered sufficiently reliable. Of course we do not guarantee complete accuracy of the data: the situation of albergue presents seasonal variations and is constantly evolving.
Click here to get the 'list of albergue:
The following are some of my personal opinions and advice: no one is offended.
albergue The tourist facilities are not born for commercial purposes. Step inside the pilgrim becomes a "guest", not "customer." It follows that we must behave Consequential
- use the verb "require" rather than "pretend"
- respect the facilities offered, and if possible, leave them in better condition than you found
- do not leave traces of their passage
- if someone before we left dirt and disorder it is nice clean and tidy, do not weigh anyone
- always leave a donation may be small if you do not have much money
- we respect the times indicated, which are linked to the rest to ensure all
- if we expect to get up very soon prepare the backpack the night before and wake up, get ready in an environment where you do not give trouble to those who still sleeps
- always a friendly welcome those who come after us, so
as we would like to be treated ourselves - to clean their bodies and their clothes, out of respect for oneself and those around us
- avoid spreading their things take up more space than is necessary
- if you see behavior that we missed Please let's note: keep huffing and grumbling in the
not good for anybody - the 'hot pleases everyone and then when we try not to waste it and leave the other
- if you have important information in Diamond News shouts of 'albergue
and finally ....
- many hotels do not provide much privacy: we often find ourselves in terms of promiscuity, then behave with discretion, do not look the other earnestly and perform unnecessary.
In almost all albergue c 'and cooking something to eat some breakfast is served in return for an offer.
In all countries within the local albergue there to dine with those of the pilgrim or menu del dia: they are fixed price menu. I found prices ranging from 6 to € 10 and include: first, second, bread, bottle of wine or soft drink, dessert or fruit. The quantity and quality are generally good.
The food here is quite similar to the Italian. Some first example: spaghetti with tomato sauce, paella, bean soup, green beans sauteed with bacon, vegetable soup, green salad with tomatoes and cheese or tuna. Among the main courses: roast chicken, sliced \u200b\u200bpork or beef grilled, stuffed peppers, baked trout, grilled salmon, meat stew. Potatoes, green beans, salad. Desserts of yoghurt, ice cream, rice milk, pudding, fruit. Excellent wine from anything carbonated water. Pilgrims
they travel very early (5 to 7). At that hour is almost impossible to find a bar open for breakfast: it is difficult even in large cities. The bars open late (9-10), grocery stores as well. So it's a good idea to equip and prepare breakfast in the kitchen dell'albergue, or intend to do often put in a late morning breakfast.
For the noon meal usually provides a sandwich and fruit purchased and consumed along the way (very inexpensive). All the bars are still equipped to serve something to eat.
Each country has at least one fountain: the water is generally good and very fresh, except in some parts of the central part (mesetas)
A doctor friend of mine and an expert in sports medicine I gave the following advice, which I follow (somewhat) faithfully:
breakfast: carbohydrates and sugar with very little sucrose and fructose - milk and coffee with biscuits, even better with toast, jam, honey, fruit
possibly at mid-day: carbohydrates (bread, crackers, toast) and fruit (no sugar or chocolate)
evening: mainly proteins - red or white meat, fish, cheese, vegetables, bread, wine, fruit
drink a lot, even before sweat and then get thirsty, especially with high environmental temperatures in case of excessive sweating eat plenty of fruits and / or take salt supplements
And finally we talk about money. What is needed for maintenance during the journey. Let's do some 'accounts.
A) Travel - Travel costs are difficult to evaluate because they are too dependent on the chosen means (car, train, plane)
B) eat - assuming that you do breakfast bar in the morning, the evening dine at the restaurants and trim day you eat something bought on the street, you can make this assumption of costs:
Breakfast spending 3 days 17 € 51
food and drink purchased on the street spending 8 days 17 € 156 € 17 days
dinner expense 9 161 268 TOTAL
sleep - to assume an 'offer of € 3 for each Lodging in which one sleeps. It is not mandatory, then it is an expense that indicated compressible. Assume also spend three nights in a private room or in a hostel:
albergue stay 17 days € 8 156 TOTAL 424
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