Benedict XVI in a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela
Benedict XVI will arrive in Galicia next Saturday, November 6, 2010.
I will do as a pilgrim of faith, being the first pope in history visiting the Galician capital for the Year Saint James. This important date in the history of Galicia is in addition to that of 9 November 1982 and 19-20 August 1989 when John Paul II honored by his presence Galician territories with a large and still widely remembered receiving it.
was last March when the announcement of the visit of Benedict XVI's pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela filled with satisfaction and delight thousands of Galicia. The Pope expected his arrival at the international airport of Santiago de Compostela at 11:30. There will be received by the Prince of Asturias, from the national church and civil authorities, autonomous and local. Following will travel aboard the popular "popemobile" and on a 634-state (the old road Lavacolla), the 12 kilometers to the tomb of the Apostle James. Once at the foot of the cathedral and as usual for any pilgrim, the Vicar of Christ will pass through the Porta Santa, then pray at the tomb of the Apostle James. In the afternoon we held a Mass in the square during the Holy Year Obradoiro James.
The capital of Galicia will be celebrating throughout the weekend visit of Pope Thousands of citizens, visitors and pilgrims take to the road and spend a day with the holy Benedict XVI. With them there will be more than 1,200 journalists from Europe, Asia, Africa and North and South in Galicia and its capital city, Santiago de Compostela, enter more than 50 million families from all over the world thanks to television signals of Galicia.
Benedict XVI will share this Holy Year 2010 with all the Galician and its visitors. His presence among us favor, though more is still possible, promoting the universal level in this Holy Year of spiritual values \u200b\u200band Europe of the Camino de Santiago and the capital of Galicia, one of the three most important pilgrimage centers of Christianity, together Rome and Jerusalem.
This will be the second visit of Benedict XVI in Spain, after that carried out at Valencia in July 2006 in occasione of V Incontro Mondiale della Famiglia.
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