The defeat of a motion of no confidence in the government has the names of Maria Grazia Siquilini and Catia Polidori
ROME - Two deputies and three so-called" responsible " . The defeat of a motion of no confidence in the government has the names - surprise - by Maria Grazia Siquilini and Catia Polidori of Fli Scilipoti and Domenico, Massimo Bruno Cesario Calearo and that on the eve of the crisis, came up with a move from ad hoc, "so called" group responsibility. "
The main surprise - in addition to Moffat, who has not voted, and Cato, which has sided with the majority - it is the women Finian. Pesa their choice tearing the movement of the President of the Chamber. After 'no' motivated by Maria Grazia Siliquini, to make matters worse it's jumping the fence of Polidori. bewilderment and anger among futurists: "Catia If we had said at the meeting last night - looks cold Benedetto Della Widow out of the classroom, his face dark - would like to say? More elegant ...". More indignant Luca Barbareschi, which speaks to vote "shameful" and said in no uncertain terms that Polidori was "threatened": "The Polidori has been threatened for his companies. They told her that closed its companies. We know for a fact that Polidori, whose family business is the Cepu, has received assurances that the benefit ".
After the vote, the congresswoman has also turned into a brawl between members of the Chamber and the Northern League
Fli (watch the video) 1. According to the reconstructions finiano Giorgio Conte have insulted Polidori. I had to take action to prevent contact the clerks of the parliament.
The vote of the "responsible" rather than was expected. But the three have seasoned uncertainty to the end. First talking about "voting painful but revolutionary," then skip the first call, then voting against the motion to the applause of the majority. He concluded his day in the office of Silvio Berlusconi.
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