of Fli FLI: "Berlusconi resigns"
FLI A BERLUSCONI "resign." Groups of Fli "ask the Prime Minister to call the office at the Quirinale not wait for the count of the House to form a new government that deals with emergencies in the country with a large majority of the center within a clear, concrete and outlined a long term "and" undertake to make explicit in Parliament the availability of activating the new phase without setting ruling on the reappointment, in practice available to discuss the program and composition of the new government. "
NO turnaround. If Berlusconi rejects mediation offer" the leaders of Fli compact would vote the motion mistrust and, if this was approved, excluding any possibility of government that can anticipate reversals against the index of all voters agree, what forces responsible for the center-left alternative to, to support a new center-right government entrusted to another person " .
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